Tottesund Mansion is a beautiful and historical location which is a great fit for different events. The atmosphere and the closeness to nature makes your stay memorable.

Connected to the Tottesund Mansion is Herrgårdsleden (the mansion trail), an approximately 4 km long hiking trail along which there are several picnic areas, as well as a barbeque hut with a fireplace. A walk close to water.

In the mansion there are several exhibitions, e.g. the Jäger Movement, the weapons smuggling with Equity, Sibelius wedding, a miniature model of the area in the middle of the 1800s.

The Tottesund Mansion can be booked for groups (min. 10 people), weddings, birthday parties, graduations parties, course days, field days, and more.

We offer coffee with cake, meals, recreational activities, and guided tours. We customize your experience according to your wishes.

Our own activities during the year are e.g., mansion brunches, historical dinners, theatres, ghost walks, family days, guided tours. Follow us on social media.

Only a 30-minute drive from Vaasa.